I'm trying to keep with with this stuff, I really am. I do have blogs written but have been too lazy to post. Here are some beer reviews of some great beers that share a lot in common. more to come, soon I hope.
Beer Review – The IPA Mash Up
Today we have 3 IPA’s, all very similar and all quite good. Hardcore IPA, I Hardcore yoU and I Beat yoU. BrewDog, Mikkeller/BrewDog, Mikkeller. Here is the story.
Hardcore IPA – This one is my personal favourite of the 3. It is the least sweet and has lots of very strong hop presence that isn’t lost to a big alcohol dominance like the others.
Look- Beautiful. It is great. I mean, you have a nice head with a deep gold colour with a few traces of amber in there in there as well. It is one to look at but wait until you try it.
Smell – Big American hops. A bit fruity, resiny, citrus in there and it just works so well. You also get a bit of a sweetness from the malt to add to the complexity. Dive in, drink it.
Taste – Very similar to the smell but is a bit sweeter. This is due to the alcohol at 9.2% but you really can’t taste it. It is dangerous. Its like a venus fly trap. It looks cool but man it could mess you up. I suggest half pints of this bad boy.
I Hardcore yoU – this is a blend of the Mikkeller I Beat yoU and BrewDog Hardcore. It sits in the middle with 9.5% ABV. Again, lethal stuff.
Look – similar to Hardcore. Pale with some red or amber colour, maybe a copper colour?? I have no idea. I was never good at art.
Smell- Sweet malt up front with a nice hop nose. Citrus, resinous and a touch of sweet. A bit of alcohol sweetness but not overly powerful.
Taste – Sweet malt up front with a bit of alcohol in there. A lasting bitter finish which balances the sweet. Still a bit sweet for me personally
Lastly, I Beat yoU. If you look at the capital letters you get IBU. This beer was designed to push someone out of the highest IBU title in Denmark from what I understand. This is 9.75% and is the sweetest of all. Here we go
Look – About the same as the others. Like a light maply syrup almost. Gold with some red. Moving on…
Smell – Floray, resinous citrusy hops. Alcohol sweetness and a bit of maltiness as well. Very similar to the others which is why a blend works well. They are almost the same!!
Taste – Long finish, a bit dry and bitter. Refer to smell for the rest as they are the same. This is still a deadly one though and it is bound to hurt a few unsuspecting victims.
Overall, I like Hardcore. The sweetness is less and hops come out more. I might be biased because I work for BrewDog but I don’t think so. It is just a better beer.