While I’ve been here for 4 months I have just been paid today. It isn’t that I’ve been working for free over the past 4 months but that I’ve been waiting on national insurance numbers, bank accounts and people to tell me what the fuck is going on for that length of time. I still don’t have a bank account.
But I’m happy now. There is something about payday that makes you walk a little taller, a bit quicker and maybe even a bit happier (yes, I walk happier at times) and it probably comes from a sense of accomplishment. I’ve earned this money, I’ve worked my ass off for it and now I finally get to enjoy the rewards.
I think this is a good example that patience is a virtue and eventually it pays off. I’ve really developed a new attitude toward things over here and I’ve mellowed out a bit. Things will come in time. Why rush everything now? You only live once and you might as well enjoy it all. From big to little I think that it is all worth it. I sound a bit like a hippie but it’s a good attitude to have. I’ve never been so happy just working, living and learning about stuff. Brewing, packaging, cultures, countries and myself.
If I come back a totally different (and better) person don’t be surprised because if you ever did this you probably would too.
Now time to cash the cheque…