Saturday 11 June 2011

The Céilidh To End All Céilidh’s

Just for reference, its pronounced Kay-lee.

I know this blog post is way overdue but if you haven’t worked it out for yourself I’m not keeping with my post a day schedule. Sorry, but I just have too much shit to do and frankly it was too hard. This post is also way over due and was from May 21st but I promise it’s a good one.

To quote the all-knowing Wikipedia a Céilidh is a “traditional Gaelic social gathering, which usually involves playing Gaelic folk music and dancing.”

I know what you are saying “hey Brett, that sounds like a fun night and all, but I’d rather shoot myself in the face,” to which I’d respond “You are wrong, that shit rocks. Not to mention getting shot hurts.”

Before I went I was quite skeptical myself since people told me it was like Scottish line dancing. Wonderful. It sounds like a hoot that only people that live in Ponypool would enjoy. I kept and open mind and it paid off. That shit was awesome. It was an ex coworkers 21st birthday and her brother has a Céilidh.

In most aspects it is like line dancing but it’s more like Oktoberfest with lots of beer (we are in Scotland remember) and lots of swinging people around, spinning and a bit of lifting. To watch it seems like an absolute confusing mess of a shit show but once you get in you are hooked. It was bomb. We also played this hockey game (field hockey, they don’t know what hockey really is) and just chilled.

After the party we went back to Fiona’s house to have a few more beers, which I passed on since I had to work at 8 the next day, and chatted with loads of people. A few people guessed I was Irish, American or had an Australian parent but no one guessed I was Canadian. Confidence booster. I also had some haggis pizza which was caught fresh just for the party. Haggis are quite hard to ask, just ask our American friend Laura. She can tell you all about it.

All in all it was a great night seeing Fiona, Nick and meeting lots of other people.  I made sure Dempster and Laura made it home alive and surprisingly the next day of work wasn’t too bad with only 4 hours of sleep. I guess the lack of beer helped me pull through.

For a more comprehensive and well structured recollection of this event check out Laura’s blog at  so give it a read when you got a chance. It’s much better than mine.

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