Thursday 14 July 2011

July 11- Day 5- Edinburgh

Well as I'm sure you guessed, I've been too intoxicated to update this daily as I was at the start.

Day 5 was an early one and I was fairly weathered from the night before so after getting lost in Glasgow thanks to the stupid amount of one way streets and the fact that you can't drive on the correct side of the road like the rest of us we got to Edinburgh. The first sign that our hotel was amazing is because it was beside the Zoo. Why was that amazing? I'm not sure but at the time it seemed pretty awesome even though the zoo looked like shit. We then headed down to the Royal Mile and I gave a faily half assed tour of the city since Chris had been nice enough to do a better tour the next day (I have also only been there twice so I was fairly lost but didn't tell them. It worked out alright in the end). When we finally got hungry I just had to drag them to Oink. Oink is the awesome pulled pork place and it is all they do. The pig sits in the window all cut up and cooked and you see them cut off your bit. You also get a piece of the outside which is very delicious and crunchy. We then decided to pop into an art gallery and three things quickly become apparent.
1) It is obvious why it is free
2) I clearly know nothing about art
3) People who do know something about art don't care for sarcastic comments. Let us just say that when there are 3 women looking friendly while naked the observation "that would be fun" isn't what an art person looks for. I thought it was rather funny.

My parents and sister then wanted to go to the castle but I opted out. They went in and said it was great while I pissed off and went for a walk. I went into every whisky shop on the Royal Mile and ended up in one that carries BrewDog. Since I was rocking the work jacket I was like a strolling billboard all weekend and he instantly asked what my association was. After some chat the owner said they just got it in and said he had moved a few already so he was thinking it was a good choice. I assured him it was.

When my parents came out of the castle they found me, chillin on a bench eating an ice cream cone. While they just laugh and wonder just how many brain cells I've lost since being here I was just happy because you gotta enjoy the little things sometimes. Ice cream on a sunny day is one of those things.

We then headed back to the hotel for dinner. That meal was the biggest piece of shit ever. Over priced, shitty food, small portions, shit service and extremely confused staff. No one was impressed.

My parents were fairly tired from the walking and drive so they opted to stay in with my sister. I decided to head down town to meet Chris and Colin for a few beers at the BrewDog bar. After a few Colin popped down with his Heriot-Watt classmates who I've now met 3 times (Stone night, Black Isle and this time) and I finally remember their names. It turns out most of them are Canadian. We pretty much owned the bar. Oh Canada! (Much better than God Bless America). After the pub closed we headed down the street to Sneaky Pete's for a quick Red Stripe (of which I only had about half) then to Opium for another pint of something else (not great, much better). After one we headed out and Colin and I went for a walk through Greyfriar's Bobby, the most haunted cemetary in the world. It was about 2 am but sadly no Poltergeist sightings. Guess I'll have to try again.

Also with it being this late I missed all buses and needed to get a cab back to the hotel. After walking about 20 minutes on Princess Street I figured "oh, I'm close enough" and decided I'd walk back. I got home at 4, pretty much sober by then, and passed out.

I've already been told I'm an idiot many many times but at least I wasn't puking somewhere (I might have pissed on the street though..)

I can't wait to move back and call that city home, if even for a year.

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