Tuesday 24 May 2011

May 15- iPhones WORST Application

This is LLLLOOOOONNNNNNNGGGGGGG overdue. I'm sorry but I've been busy, mostly with having wifi finally and just doing nothing on the internet. I've been doing a bit of work too.

If you know me, I love apple. The iPhone, iPod and computers are top of the line and are seriously innovative and amazing. That being said, this innovation could be the downfall of fun (with the exception of angry birds, everybody loves that one).

I'm talking about arguments. Think about it. If you are at a pub and someone asks a question you can easily look it up online, case closed. But what fun is that? Part of what makes a question good is the possibility of an argument over the correct answer. It gives you something to talk about.

What about if you forget a name and it keeps bugging you that you can remember it. You look it up and thats it. You lose the entire feeling of satisfaction you would have had from remembering the name, even if it were about 3 hours later when the topic had changed 30 times. It still feels better to remember.

Phones are great and do loads of good things but I don't think that in a pub, especially during arguments, it fits. I lost a bet the other day and now I owe someone a stout cake. I don't care about that but I do remember how fun having a brief argument about absolutely nothing was.

These are the little things you need to appreciate. Pint in hand, phone out of sight. The good old days.

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