Friday 13 May 2011

May 4- A typical "weekend"

After about a month and a half, and with the common room empty of Jack and Keegan (sadly) and having finally settled in I’ve taken a new approach to my days off and they usually go like this. I also put "weekend" since it changes every week. I knew you would understand.

Day 1
This is the day I like to sleep in a bit (which for me is about 9 or 10 hours at most). I’ll get up, make chocolate chip pancakes and eat them while I watch a movie. After that I’ll usually get out and go for a run to keep in shape. I know I do a lot of physical work and move around for 11 hours a day at work but I still like going running. It’s nice to enjoy the weather we have been having. I’ll then usually get home, make a sandwich and watch another movie. I’m turning into a movie watcher and it’s awesome. It seems like my movie ADD is getting better. I’ll then usually get down to the brewery for 30 minutes to an hour and check my emails, usually only read them and not reply due to being lazy, and then update my blog (which has not been happening lately. Sorry). After that I’ll get home, make more food, thrown on another movie and have a few beers. It is very mellow. This is also the day when I bake cookies, stout cake or whatever other junk food I’m feeling like. It is so much better when you do it yourself.

Day 2
This is the day I usually try and sleep in a bit again but doesn’t usually happen since my body clock is great at hitting 8 hours on the dot. I’ll get up, make my food and then pop in another movie. This is my day off from exercise so I’ll try and keep everything to a healthy level. This day is pretty much the same as the last one with more movies, usually no beer, and early to bed.

I should note that any movie watching can be replaced with reading which is currently Derren Brown’s Tricks of the Mind and Japanese Whisky, Scotch Blend (Thanks to Chris).

Why can’t weekends at school be like this? Instead we have homework, projects and studying to do. I think we should try and develop a school where weekends are actually days off like a blend of kindergarten and university. Unigarten anyone?

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