Tuesday 11 January 2011

Day 7 (in the country)

Well, I've decided to start a blog instead of using just Facebook since I don't have everyone that may want to see this, they may not have it, or an odd combination of both.

I'll start by filling you in on my whole trip so far. I got to the airport super early as I was anticipating traffic on the way and in the place, but there was none. I spent 4 hours on facebook and wandering around the terminal. I noticed that the booze isn't even that cheap at duty free, so don't listen to people who tell you it is. It is much cheaper in the states or here in Scotland. I then spent 2 extra hours on the plane since there was a problem with something and we lost our spot in line as they fixed it.

The flight was good. I've never spent so long on a plane but I couldn't sleep so I watched Scott Pilgrim, a few episodes of Big Bang Theory and then the Expendables. I attempted to nap in between them but it just wasn't happening. I did manage to steal the blanket they give you though. (WIN). Also saw the sun come up at 3 am (Ontario time). It was so cool.

The layover in Heathrow wasn't too bad but it is a very boring airport. Not as complicated as I was told it was but wasn't as simple as Pearson. It is a truly international airport. Grabbed a sandwhich and watched planes take off. There was also a very cool vending machine. Ben and Jerry's!!!

My next flight was a short one (only 2 hours instead of 7). I managed to sleep through this one which was good. Luggage was delivered safely, good. BrewDog forgot me at the airport, fail. I waited about 30 minutes and then called them. They did come get me and stuff but didn't have a place for me to stay. So they put me up in a Bed & Breakfast for a week. I get a place on Thursday. I am just really hoping I get a kitchen because this diet, although tasty, is too repetitive and I just want large mounds of cereal everyday.

I started work the following day. Guess what, I am not doing lab work, as they don't have one!! I'm much happier not being stuck sitting in a lab all day. I know I'm a chemist and I know that people think we like labs. I do, at school since its I get to do stuff, be up and move. Compared to lab, this is much better. This is a great experience, and will be very valuable to me in the future. I am doing quality stuff but it isn't intensive so I am an assistant brewer!! Great for the resume.

As the asst. brewer I work 12 hour shifts, 4 days in a row and then get 2 days off. My weeks are essentially 6 days long. I do everything from mash in, transferring and boiling and then casting. Lots of moving, lifting and twisting but it is a good work out. I also clean the kettle and mash tun (which is fucking hot!! but again, a good work out). I'll post pictures of it shortly.

The beer is amazing and I will be posting reviews soon on here. Just hope that someone cares, but they are fucking great beers. Better than just about everything I've had in Ontario, not going to lie.

On my days off I have been going for walks, yesterday around town and today along the coast almost to another city. What else is there to do?? The beach is beautiful and I've always wanted to live by the coast.

I have lots of pics and videos coming but not right now. I don't feel like the upload at the moment. I'm also sure I've forgotten stuff but you can't win 'em all!


1 comment:

  1. Shane and I took a picture of that same vending machine!

    Sounds like your trip over was better than ours.

    Have you met any interesting locals yet? lol

    Looking forward to the beer reviews and more updates!

