Thursday 20 January 2011


This is for the 18th. I know how much everyone missed these.

I’ve realized lots of things lately. Some are very deep and useful, some not so intelligent and funny. This one is the latter. It seems that I am drawn to delinquents.

I started to skateboard in grade 7. Yes it was the cool thing to do but it was the start of my path towards where I am now and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Those days I would stay out later than I was supposed to and didn’t like rules. It wasn’t me but the people I was with. Skaters are notorious for drugs, booze and stupidity. I was only having the last one but it might as well been all three.

Music was second. I started playing guitar in grade 8. It wasn’t until around grade 10 that I started to really love playing. I started writing songs all the time, jamming with friends and recording the odd thing or two. We would stay up late, mess around and have fun. I really just loved to dislike the system. I think it is because of my constant listening to Bob Dylan after he was introduced in history class. Everyone knows that musicians are delinquents. It is pretty much common ground. Ozzy, the Stones, Bob Dylan and Neil Young to name a few are very good examples not to mention the others that have died due to an OD (Jimi Hendrix) or other party related death. Those who are alive are probably pickled inside.

Next I found magic. It started off simply enough with a few tricks, a deck of cards and a DVD or two. Like any passion, it grew into an obsession and I found camp. As a camper you don’t do much aside from do what you are told. After a year or 2 I started to hit up conventions and this is where it took that more trouble/fun path. We stayed up late, got into places we shouldn’t be and smoking up (well I didn’t but I hung around with lots of guys who did. Seriously, I’ve never smoked pot). These guys were older and I made friends with them. As you become a CIT you fall into the same habits. Staying up way too late, drinking when you shouldn’t be (I think it was pink lemonade crystal light into a mickey of vodka??) and again, breaking into places you shouldn’t be. Yes we had lock picks and yes we used them well. As staff you pretty much do the same, just with the people that have watched you grow up and are your superiors. It is a great life.

So I get older, I hit pubs and I find beer. Amazing. But brewers, as you have guessed are delinquents. Of course brewers love alcohol and we all know what that does. We also know where that leads: more bad choices, even later nights and the odd regurgitation of your dinner (St. Patrick’s day first year anyone?). Its so much fun and here I am in Scotland brewing with people from all over the world and drinking a solid amount of beer (amazing and free beer at that).

Does this make me a delinquent? I hope not since I’d like people to respect me and not see me as a criminal. At the same time, I like being a delinquent a bit. Its more fun and I am just very happy doing what I do. Whatever I am, I love doing it and really, isn’t that the important thing?

P.S. I prefer the term badass to delinquent. Thanks

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