Friday 14 January 2011

Tales from the Mash Tun

Since I just finished work and cleaned the most of malt out of a mash tun I ever have, it seems fitting.

For those who don't know, the mash tun is where the malted barley is combined with warm water to extract the sugars from the malt. These sugars are broken down into smaller sugars so that yeast can eat it and make alcohol later on. It is a big stainless steel tub with a lid that opens 1/3 and a small hole at the bottom for pushing malt out. There is a false bottom to separate the malt from the wort (unfermented beer).

I'll put this in perspective. Shovelling this is like shovelling 1400 kg of soaked cereal inside a sauna where each shovel releases more heat and makes it warmer. A more canadian example is like shovelling wet snow in the summer with a snow suit on. It is fucking hot. The water is condensing on you and you are sweating. You can't see all the time due to steam. You have NEVER worked out until you have cleaned a mash tun. Trust me, it is a unique experience and its kinda fun. If you aren't lazy. Pictures of my in it coming soon. I promise.

When did a bit of hard work every kill anyone?? And at the end, a beer tastes even better.

You never know, it could happen to you sometime. And if it does, do it. You will thank me after (you finish and then a beer)


  1. I know your trying to make the "it builds character" argument here but I still prefer my automatic emptying of the lauter tun method, no matter how many times our pondorf plugs.....hahahahahha

  2. It does build character, and keeps me from getting fat. I'd prefer a self cleaning one too but its nice to work your way up. Helps you appreciate the luxuries in life.
