Sunday 16 January 2011

Nanny State and Rip Tide- Reviews

First off, I know I missed yesterday BUT I have to pay for internet by the day and I wanted to save one for today since it is my day off. I'm only doing reviews for yesterday, so there is no harm init being a day late. I know how much everyone loves reading my shit everyday, but I'm over it.

Nanny State

This isn't a girls beer in anyway aside from alcohol strength. Weighing in at a solid 0.5% (I think the website says 1.1%, but that is last years recipe) it is sure to get you drunk if you can't drink them fast enough without puking due to volume. A typical beer is 5%, which is equal to 1.5 shots of 40% spirit in alcohol. This is 1/10 that, so it is 0.15 shots of 40% per bottle. You would need 7 to have a single shot of spirit. This is a great beer if you want to drink and drive.

Colour- You wouldn't expect this to be a beer with any colour to it aside from pale yellow. It has a nice reddish amber colour and looks beautiful. The colour comes from the stupidest malt bill I've ever seen. 8 types of malt. The smallest malt bill BrewDog has, and the longest to set up due to a stupid measurements. They pretty much took spare malt weighed it and threw it in. Funny enough there is no pale malt at all.
Smell- Like a bag of hops. It smells great actually. 4 types of hops and they kick hard. Love the smell of this beer.
Taste- Hops. I know that the guys describe some beers as being so hoppy it is like chewing hops, this one beats them. It is overpowering actually. Too much of a raw hop bitterness for my tastes, but if you wanted a beer to have and not get drunk, this would be ok.

Rip Tide

This is a great imperial stout. They do make 2 versions, a casked one at 4.1% and the bottled one at 8%. The bottled one is better. I had the casked one straight out of the fermentor so it was true cask beer, no additives, little carbonation.

Colour - like any imperial stout, it is black. I didn't have a clear cup but I could tell that it was black from the pour. Nice tan head on it too. Looks good already.
Smell- Coffee, chocolate, bit of toffee and a nice alcohol sweetness. Probably smells as good as the best imperial stouts I've had before.
Taste- like it smells. The coffee is milder than I expected but is there. A blend of this coffee and the alcohol sweetness gives an almost chocolate taste which is good. The end is a bit of a malt bitterness but it works really well. A great imperial stout. No wonder it has won awards at a few competitions.

Well, that is all for today. I'll do another one tonight so I keep up with the 1 a day rate. Cheers!!

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