Sunday 27 February 2011

Maybe You Should Cry Over Spilled Beer

This is for the 23rd. I'm way behind and I'm going to catch up. Here we go.

I made a post a while ago about not crying over spilled beer based on the amount that I spill (intentionally) at work. I’ve been rethinking and maybe you SHOULD be crying over spilled beer.

If you spill a beer whether it be a bottle, a can or a pint it is your money on the floor (or worse your lap). It is your money gone. I get paid to pour beer out (not really, I can’t just crash pallets for a laugh) and I’m earning money doing a job. You are being a buzz-killington to the night and the laughing stock of your friend.

Also, it is kind of disrespectful. Think of how many pints died for the one you just threw on the floor. I’d guess I pour out about 50-150 L a day depending on what I’m doing.

Yes, its sad but those pints DIED for you to enjoy that one. Next time you drop a pint don’t just laugh or get laughed at. Take a moment, hang your head and pay respect. Unless it is a shit beer, in which case you should thank the Craft Beer Gods (which I’m told are Penguins ;) )

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