Wednesday 2 March 2011

March 1- My first concert

This month is about music and beer. Today is about music and about my first concert.

Green Day, ACC November of 2004 (I think, maybe 2005)

It was a christmas gift from my uncle about a month or 2 early.

Amazing. I had Just after the release of American Idiot when Green Day was on the upswing I was grabbed by American Idiot. I loved the album and I listened to it non stop. The MOMENT I heard they were coming to the ACC I asked everyone if they were busy and if they could take me. I didn't want to go with my mom or dad because that is just lame. My extremely cool uncle Bob stepped up and got the tickets. A true hero. Time passed and my anticipation grew and grew. I probably never shut up about it but I didn't hear anyone tell me since I was always talking.

Then it came. That first sign of the band, the roar of the crowd and the first chord to American Idiot got me. I was somewhere else (maybe partially due to the place being full of smoke and weed too haha). It was just amazing. The show was great and I just kept playing the songs over and over in my head.

After we grabbed a hot dog and juice at a street vender and walked to the car. I was speechless. The time passed faster than ever and it was almost like a dream.

The other memories? The wall of workers that died on the job had one who died in a fruit juice factory explosion. It is sad but  you have to laugh. What a mental image. The other? The drive home just as we were getting to the ramp to my house a bird hit the windshield. It was massive, maybe an owl or something. Who knows but it was huge. I scared the shit out of me but made the night that much more unique. Who know this would be the start of my music obsession and the start of my concert going habits. It was the first but was not the best or last. Not even close.

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