Monday 14 March 2011

March 14- My Second Concert

This post makes me caught up. 3 in a night. Who's lazy now Pat?

My second concert was one I will also never forget. Partially because the music was great but mostly because I was there with a friend and no parents. Win.

It was in March or April of grade 9. I had just turned 15 and was on that whole rebellious/skater/rocker thing. It was Sum 41, a great canadian band, at the Aud in Kitchener. The weather was warm, the arena was warmer and the music was loud. Mitch and I had no idea what was in store for us.

There were 2 opening bands. One was Protest the Hero, who have become bigger in the past 2 years I believe, and No Warning, a band that has split up a few years ago. Both were very good but really couldn't compare to the main act. Sum 41 had just released Chuck, an album named after their tour guide while there were in a war torn country in Africa a year or so earlier. This album was deep, meaningful and had much more going on than the older stuff but they were still that same young, punk band with the "we don't give a shit" attitude to me and that was all that mattered.

The concert started with a video of them doing some stupid stuff (I think) and then they were just there. I didn't see them walk on, I swear they just appeared. The mosh pit started from that first chord (we were on the floor, I didn't mention that) and it didn't stop for about 2 hours. We got pulled in, stepped out, pulled in, pushed around, pushed back and stepped out. Over, and over and over. Amazing. There is nothing like the emotional energy of a show turning into physical energy. The experience just escalates when that happens. It was badass.

Oh, the joys of growing up.

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