Sunday 6 March 2011

March 4- Happy 21st To Me!!!

So I got a little over excited but it was the best birthday ever. Let me give you a run down of the week.

I realized that every year leading up to my birthday I listen to loads of Blink 182. I think this is because when I was a kid all I did was listen to them and skateboard. I also got on a skate board for the first time in about 6 or 7 years and went to the skate park for an hour. I always love my birthday but I've learned that I need music to feel younger and want to stay young. This is subconscious of course but I've learned how I work.

March 3rd. I was going down to the BrewDog bar for a special night with the boys from Port Brewing Company/Lost Abbey. About half way through the day Bowman comes walking in yelling "Oh Canada" and a package for me. Early gifts from my parents and friends. Ace. (Special thanks to Michelle). Foot warmers, lots of chocolate you can't get in the country, homemade strawberry jam and peanut butter cookies. What more can you want? It was the best gift ever and oddly it didn't make me homesick. It wasn't like I was missing a birthday it was like I was just getting some stuff from home. The cards it contained however were very great and did bring a tear or 2 to my eye. I shared lots of the chocolate and gave away the Tim Hortons coffee I got to see how it stood up. I also ate 4 chocolate filled doughnuts since I was in a super happy mood due to my birthday and the weather. We had a minor last minute "explosion" with FV 14 which yielded George doing this.
Best. Picture. Ever.

After I ran home and showered since I was drenched by the explosion as well I got a ride to Aberdeen with Andrew (a super posh cunt (who I actually do like. swearing is used when you are happy over here. i love it.)) and went to the bar. Red, Franz, James, Martin and the Port guys were there. It was pretty full and Tobias and his girlfriend showed up later on. I managed to try 6 of the 8 beers they had and I'm sure I got to try the best. The Angels Share in brandy casks was amazing. One of the best beers I've ever had. Hands down. At midnight Martin found out it was my birthday and introduced me and had everyone sing a short and disjointed happy birthday. Mike from Port chatted with me for a bit starting with "so you're the canuck?". Really great guy. It was such a surreal experience and I'm surprised I was able to get on the bar at that point to be honest.

The night ended with a cab ride home but not before some chips and pizza for them. Mike also drank from the squirrel and poured some out. He felt strongly about End of History.

Overall the best night of my life but would only leave room the one of the worst to follow...

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