Wednesday 23 March 2011

March 21st - A fun music game

This is something I've done a few times with friends while we are both bored on facebook. You need to be really bored and have a decent iTunes or music collection for it to be any fun. You also need to have a different ish collection than a friend. Are you ready? Here we go.

Get one and chat about music. Then hit play on your media player with it on complete shuffle (whole library) and compare each song based on which one you think is better. Obviously there are cases of each other not knowing a song or flat out disagreement but it is bound to happen.

Why is this fun? It gives you a chance to talk about the music you like and to learn about your friends taste in music. It is a decent way to learn something about your friends, have a fun argument and defend the music you listen to. Give it a shot, have a few beers and remember... I have nothing that special to say so don't hold this against me.

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