Saturday 16 April 2011

April 11- Leeds in a day

Today it slept in, got past the hangover I’m sure I would have had from the numerous amounts of pints I had the night before and then headed out to check out Leeds.

First I hit up the city centre where I just wandered around looking at different shops, looked for a book at Waterstone’s and poked around HMV for a while. I ended up with 2 CD’s that earned my one of the oddest looks I’ve received in my life. I found it strange since I get a lot of odd looks for the crazy shit I do in public. I had a Miles Davis CD and a Motorhead CD. Could you get any more opposite?

After a really nice fish and chips lunch at PIN (where I spent the previous night drinking) I then headed back to my room for a brief nap and to check some emails. After I got up I went hunting for the Leeds Brewery. Not an easy task. Luckily I found one of their pubs about half way there for further directions. After finding the place I got a full tour from Viki (or Venks to the crew up there). Turns out their kit is the same as ours is just 10 barrels (17 HL) smaller. Viki is also one of the tiniest guys I’ve ever met in my life but can lift malt bags and do all the work. After that we headed to the pub for 2 pints then up to Beer Ritz, a spectacular bottle shop a solid 15 minute bus ride away. After getting a few bottles of random stuff and a DT we headed for another pint close by. Then back downtown for food and then to another pub for 1 more.

I bet these stories are all old hat now and that I sound like the largest alcoholic you know but it is what we do. We brew and we drink. I am addicted to beer. I do love beer. I do drink less that most university students worldwide. How is that? Magic I guess.

Some call it a problem. I call it living. Only 1 more day of my trip left which is all travelling but I’m sure I can make some fun out of it.

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