Monday 11 April 2011

April 9- I finally get to relax

Holy shit, I kind of forgot what doing nothing is like. Between school, working and travelling I really didn’t know what to do when I just had a day to chill out.

This may have been the best day of the trek so far just because it was so uneventful. I got up late (a first for me in the past 3 months I think) and watched TV. I ate some cereal and a banana and sat on the couch with Kerry’s cat. I got a chance to read magic books from a very large collection and picked up a few things. I will say that cats do not particularly enjoy when you do ace assemblies over top of them if they are on your lap. I honestly just chilled for the whole day until about 4 pm.

At 4 I headed up to Bristol with Kerry to check out a magic bar (you sit, drink and watch magic) because Andi had a show. The magic wasn’t the worst I’ve seen but I think I could do a better job if I cared to. While at the place a friend of Kerry’s dropped in, Peter Clifford, a local magician and an actor. It turns out that Peter is friends with Derren Brown (my favourite performer hands down). It is odd how small the world is sometimes.

After Peter left Andi came back from his gig and we hung around long enough for Andi to go to the washroom. Oh, and long enough for him to forget his phone. Don’t worry, we got it back. All I can say about the bar is that it is a bad example of a cool idea.

We then drove back, stopping for tea on the way (of course) and chatted a bit more while playing magic trivia and working out nerd jokes for Andi to end his act with. We are all super cool like that.

Newent feels like a very close-knit community and with the weather we had it was like a perfect village out of a movie. Creepy, but cool. I head off tomorrow at noon to Manchester then Leeds for a few days. I’d love a job where I get to travel like this.

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